Call for Collaboration!


The Sonic Jungle invites artists, musicians, engineers, herbalists, scientists, wellness and sustainability professionals, technicians, visionaries and mission-oriented enterprises to contribute talents for the Pop-Up event series. All contributors enjoy promotion across our social media channels, a feature in press releases and on our blog, and are permitted to sell their work and retain 90% of the revenue. 10% will be donated to an environmental non-profit or NGO yet to be identified.

We use music and art to bring people together, who share a passion for sustainability, to spearhead a new era of entertainment and creative collaboration. We are currently accepting artist and performance proposals for our March 11 & April 15th events. Contact us using the form below to tell us about your vision and we will schedule a site visit with you!

We are also looking for SPONSORS to partner with The Sonic Jungle !

If you are a mission-driven company interested in establishing a genuine connection with our rapidly growing community and engaging with like-minded professionals, please contact us using the form below.